Gastric Surgery | Pinehurst Surgical Clinic
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Gastric Surgery

Gastric Surgery

offering at FirstHealth Bariatrics at Moore Regional Hospital

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy or gastric sleeve surgery
  • Roux-en Y divided gastric bypass surgery

Typically performed by way of laparoscopic (minimally invasive) approach, Roux-en Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are proven safe and effective methods for promoting weight loss in the obese or morbidly and for treating the illnesses associated with obesity such as sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure and joint pain.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive surgery that permanently removes 85 percent of the stomach. The surgeon uses staples to divide the stomach into two parts and then turns one part into a narrow tube that carries the food. The other part is removed. When the patient eats, the food passes into the narrow stomach as normal. Since the smaller stomach can take only a few ounces of food, the patient feels full sooner than usual.

The Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass procedure reduces the capacity of the stomach to a small pouch that holds about an ounce of food. The pouch is completely divided from the stomach and is connected to the small intestine so that it can empty. Limiting the amount of food a patient can eat and the number of calories that the patient’s body can absorb helps the patient achieve dramatic weight loss while often controlling Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and other health problems.

Visit to learn more about these procedures and the pros and cons of each.


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