RSVP INContinence Lunch and Learn | Pinehurst Surgical Clinic
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RSVP INContinence Lunch and Learn

Departments & Specialties   >   Gynecology Specialist   >   RSVP INContinence Lunch and Learn

You’re Invited to our Incontinence Lunch & Learn

April 12th | 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM

LOCATION: Pinehurst Surgical Clinic, Renaissance Room, 5 First Village Drive, Pinehurst, NC 28374. Please check in at the Women’s Comprehensive Health Department.

Do you have urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control)? Do you have frequent and sudden urge to urinate (Over Active Bladder)?   Come join Stephen A. Szabo, MD discussion to address the importance of high-quality continence care and management and take back control of your health. Plus, enjoy a light lunch while we address your concerns!

Interested? Call 910-235-4679 or fill out the contact form below. RSVP by April 11th. Spots are limited! We hope to see you there!

RSVP (Women’s Health)
